CWTC, Community Workshop and Training Center, Inc., presents the “Inspiring Abilities Art Show.”
Join us for an evening showcasing the many talents of our CWTC consumers through their paintings and pottery. Pieces will be on display and for sale during our silent auction with proceeds benefiting the artist and the Inspiring Art Abilities Program. Admission is just $25 and includes hors d'oeuvres and cash bar. Tickets are available online at
The Inspiring Art Abilities program provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to engage in the creative development of artwork under the direction of skilled, community-based artists. The program was set up to inspire individuals with disabilities to express themselves through increased access to art, while building self-esteem and self-discipline to appreciate, and increase their knowledge about art.
For more information contact Amy Suprunowski at 686-3300.
CWTC, Community Workshop and Training Center, Inc., provides programs and services to adults with disabilities, enriching their quality of life, promoting social change, and optimizing their potential for independence.
Start: 5:30 PM